Week 2:- Our 1st Full Year 2009

After opening in 2008, our clinic (Dental Innovations on Sternberg) continued to grow during 2009. Dr Amanda Leske(Hales) joined the team resulting in all 3 of our surgeries to operating every day of the week.

This year was also the year we created our logo and became “Robertson Dental Innovations”. We even created a pamphlet (which you can view here, and if nothing else can show you how far computer graphic design has come in 10 years, even when just using MS word).

The photos this week come from our original design for our website (providing a digital walkthrough of our clinic), which we started to plan during this growth period, as we became more synonymous with providing gentle and leading-edge dental services.

Robertson Dental Innovations Logo
Yr2 Clinic

Stay tuned for more photos and posts each week leading up to our 10 year anniversary. 

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