Quick Straight Teeth

The Team at Robertson Dental Innovations is proud to announce that we now offer the Quick Straight Teeth® (QuickStraightTeeth) Orthodontic System to our patients

QuickStraightTeethhas many advantages over the many other short term Aesthetic Orthodontic systems used by dentists including:

  • Fully Supported by Specialist Orthodontist; Each QuickStraightTeeth case is assessed and overseen by a Specialist Orthodontist and Orthodontic Laboratory who designed the customised treatment plan, including bracket placement locations and style.
  • Clear brackets and tooth coloured wires; to ensure the braces are almost invisible.
  • Fast results; because the QuickStraightTeeth system focuses on aligning and gently levelling the front teeth, our results can straighten your teeth, quickly.

The team at Robertson Dental Innovations has recently partnered with Quick Straight Teeth to offer this next step in customised Orthodontic solutions. Dr Joanna Reece are our Quick Straight Teeth dentists.

Quick Straight Teeth is not just another braces and Orthodontics solution for adults who want aesthetic teeth aligning. Quick Straight Teeth is a partnership between a general dentist, a specialist Orthodontist and a specialised Orthodontic Dental Lab. This enhanced level of support enables the team at Robertson Dental Innovations to provide Orthodontic solutions with real piece of mind for our patients.

This innovative and collaborative system is simple for our patients. Patients come in and see Dr Reece or Dr Wilkie for an Orthodontic assessment and consultation. After this appointment, Dr Reece or Dr Wilkie will work with the Quick Straight Teeth team in Ballarat and Queensland (including an Orthodontist and Orthodontic Lab) to assess and design the best system to achieve the desired outcome. The system is then sent back to us for Dr Reece or Dr Wilkie to place. Dr Reece or Dr Wilkie then continues to see the patient until they have achieved the results they require.

This system is the best of both worlds, combining the general dentist with specialised support.

For more information about Quick Straight Teeth options provided at Robertson Dental Innovations, please see Our Services , Our Orthodontics and Downloads pages, or contact our reception staff on (03) 5444 4924 (Dental Innovations on Sternberg) or (03) 5444 4924 (Dental Innovations on Condon).

We also have dental payment plan options from Smile Choice, ask the reception team for more details.